Click any program to be directed to the registration page.
U7 Red Ball Program
U7 Red Ball Program is based off the concepts set out by the Tennis Canada’s Progressive Tennis Guide. The aims of the program are to improve physical literacy and focus on the basic concepts of serving and cooperative rallying in a fun group environment.
U12&U14 Orange Ball Program
U12&U14 Orange Ball Program use low compression balls and appropriate court size. By the end of the 8 sessions, players will have the competencies to start a rally with a serve, using proper technique and keeping score. The players will continue their physical literacy and emphasize serving practise.
U16 Green Dot Program
U16 Green Dot Program is for players of any level that want to learn or continue learning to play tennis in a group setting. The goal of this program is to set juniors up with the opportunity to continue their development and can participate in future tennis activities or events at their leisure. Highschool players welcome.
Saturday Junior Drop-In
The Saturday Junior Drop-In is free for all junior members. Come out from 11:00am-12:30 pm. 3 STC courts will be reserved for the recreational tennis program for players 5-14 years of age.
Players will be separated in appropriate groups depending on players that show up. $5.00 for guests.
Cancelled until further notice.
Click register to let our coaches know you’re coming!
Players are encouraged to bring a friend.